It's been a long time coming - but it's here! Tricare is now covering doula services for qualifying participants and providers. If you have are giving birth with an approved provider, then you should qualify to have doula support as well. We are in the process of getting approved for coverage and expect to be approved in February. Please reach out to us to get set up with doula support!
Read more about the new Childbirth & Breastfeeding Support Demonstration below. We can't wait to support more military families in and around Wichita, Kansas and McConnell Air Force Base! Want doula support? Fill out the contact form by clicking the button below and we'll get back to you!
It’s so fun when you get to peek behind the doors! Did you know this lovely birth suite is available here in Wichita by some of the midwifery groups? This birth came after a lot of education and preparation - lots of discussions and finally, surrender and trust in God. After much thought, they changed providers and venues and surrounded themselves with a great team to welcome their baby the way they wanted. She pushed herself as I guided her through some helpful positions - dilation station , abdominal lift and tucks, and side lying release. He never left her side. Then finally, the tub! All was calm and quiet. Her urges took over as she prepared to meet this little one. Just the way she imagined it. Welcome Benjamin! Watch the birth video here! So special! PC: T.Marie Photography
Meet Sarah and Jordan! This is such a fun introduction because it's my son's 2nd grade teacher!! It's such a privilege to support her through this pregnancy and labor very soon as she's been such a big influence in my son's life! She's worked so hard to get educated and much more prepared for this birth - please keep them in your prayers as she's waiting on this one to make it's arrival! Tell us about your family: Jordan is a welder and Sarah is an elementary school teacher. We have been married 4 years, though we just spent our first full year together as a couple, as Jordan got out of the United States Marine Corp a year ago February. We have a beautiful baby girl who will be two in June. She is our whole world. We are soaking up every second of living close to family and putting down some roots. Estimated due month : May 4 (Star Wars Day!) Gender: We are having another baby girl. What are you wanting for your birth? We are hoping to not have to be induced or to use an epidural for this delivery. We have learned so much since our first birthing experience and feel much more prepared to navigate whatever happens during this delivery. Ultimately, we want a healthy baby and mother. What are you hoping to get from doula support? We wanted someone knowledgeable with us who can support mom, help dad support mom, help us process information being given to us from doctors, as well as educate us further on pregnancy, labor, and delivery. How can we pray for you? We would love prayers for a healthy baby and mom, as well as for our daughter that she transitions well to sharing mommy and daddy with her baby sister. *** Birth Update *** What details would you like to share about your birth? I have spent the last nine days in awe of what women's bodies were created to do when no one intervenes. During labor and delivery, I was able to move how my body and baby needed me to. It was amazingly instinctual. What surprised you the most? How amazing the high is after a natural birth! My first birth was medicated with pitocin and an epidural. Recovery was slow and painful, both emotionally and physically. With this natural birth, I feel amazing! My body has far less trauma to heal from, and the natural endorphin high has wiped out any chance of having postpartum anxiety or depression. What was your favorite comfort measure? Being in the tub for the last 3-4 cm made things move faster and made those intense contractions so much more manageable! How did your doula help you and would you use one again? Absolutely, and I cannot recommend having someone like Bethany by your side enough. She educated me on what a woman's body is made to do without intervention. She empowered me to advocate for a natural birth. She supported my husband and I through every step of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and recovery. She has an amazing balance of knowledge, both with safe medical practice, and an understanding of what women's bodies are made to do without intervention. Her involvement helped me realize how strong my body is and I would not have had such an amazing birth experience without her. What advice would you give other moms planning a natural birth? YOU CAN DO IT!! Trust your body, it knows exactly how to get your baby here. Here's the card my son wrote to his teacher - it made me tear up! What an amazing connection the Lord had planned out for us.
"Dear Ashlyn, You are really cute. Did you know my mom helped your mom have you Ashlyn. Your one of the first newborn babys I've ever seen."
Why did you hire a doula?
I hired a doula because in my research they can help reduce pain, and labor time, leading to better birth outcomes. I also really like that I will have someone to, not only help me, but help direct my husband to help me during the labor and delivery. As a first time mom I don't really know what to expect, the peace of mind from having doula support makes me much more at peace. What details would you like to share about your birth? My birth didn't quite go how I expected. It started at the (midwife's) birth suite and ended in a hospital transfer because of the babies heart rate and position. I wanted a natural birth out of hospital but I'm really thankful for the hospital OB and nurses. They were very nice. My midwives and doula helped me so much to help me find my inner strength. In the end my baby and I are healthy and happy. What surprised you the most? Giving birth was harder than I ever imagined. I was surprised at how strong I was. What was your favorite comfort measure? I had worship music playing during my labor at the birth suite and that definitely helped me stay centered. The water also helped with the contractions. Peppermint essential oil was essential in helping me get through the nausea waves. How did your doula help you and would you use one again? My doula helped me tremendously. She helped me breath and keep my voice tone low. She prayed for me and it really helped. She has a great mother like spirit which reminded me of my own mom who wanted to be at the birth but couldn't. Her presence is very calming. I would definitely use a doula again. What advice would you give other moms planning a natural birth? Have a plan, but be ready when that plan goes out the window. And hire a doula! It started on December 7, 2017. 37 weeks 4 days. We had just had our "homevisit" appointment with the midwife 2 days before to make sure everything was in order for the birth. We decided to birth at our friends and intended parents, Casey & Jordan's house. That way I wouldn't have to worry about my house being clean and the parents could stay at home with the baby. We had both had homebirths before so this wasn't anything out of the norm for us. It was my 3rd successful vbac and homebirth and it was the easiest by far! Just 8 hours after awaking in my sleep and 4 hours after arriving at Casey's house, she was born! I rolled around in bed during the night thinking that the double ice cream cone I had for Vivian’s birthday the night before really played a number on my stomach, but managed to mostly sleep until about 4:45am. I got up to go the bathroom and had a feeling I should turn the light on just to see if anything was going on….and sure enough, bloody show and I started the “cleaning out” process. Amazing how are bodies are designed like this to prepare for the birth. I knew this wasn't an upset stomach anymore, it was labor! I laid back down and noticed a little trinkle when I flipped sides. I decided to start timing the contractions and I think they were somewhere between 6-8 minutes apart and strong, way down low. They felt much more like a menstrual cramp than I remember my other labors feeling. They actually seemed to increase in intensity when I was lying down. I attempted to “rest” and let my support people rest a little longer and let them build in intensity before alerting everyone. At 6am I decided I better start letting people know because once in active labor, my labors go pretty quickly. I texted my midwife, Ginger, my friend, Casey, and my friend and doula, Mary. “Good day for a birth?” I said. I let my midwife know what was happening and that I had a little tiny “leak” after my contractions. I texted Mary, “are you up???” She replied right away and I let her know what was happening and asked if she could run an errand and pick up the donated breastmilk that I had secured for the baby that I was going to pick up that morning. Casey never replied to my texts – probably still asleep - so around 7ish I decided to call her. I don’t remember exactly what I told her - something like, "are you ready to meet your baby???" but I know I asked – is the birth pool all ready to go, did you get a hose for the pool? (That was one thing we said still needed to be done on Tuesday at our appt.) She said no and I asked her to send Jordan to get it, because I was definitely in labor. She had to get her kids ready and off to school and we had to do the same. At some point around this time I woke my husband up saying “I think I’m in labor” and he replied “no, you’re definitely in labor.” He knows me too well. I then frantically started pulling my birth bag together as he got the kids ready and off to school. Occasionally I would lay on my bed and moan through the contractions and I really felt it was strange to be vocalizing so "early on" but it helped! I know, I know, I should know better waiting to the last minute to pack….but we were all planning to finish getting everything ready that weekend. I do usually have my babies early, but not that early…and with it being a gestational carrier situation, we didn’t even know if the pattern would remain the same for this pregnancy. But I’m SO glad it did! I never even got to the point of being terribly miserable or ready to be done with the pregnancy. God’s grace was all over this, as I had endured much more fatigue throughout this pregnancy. The midwife decided we probably should come to her place so she could confirm that my water was broken. I thought it was so strange that I was feeling just a little leak AFTER my contractions – but she explained that during the contraction, the baby’s head was likely applying pressure, not allowing anything through, but after the contraction, the water was able to come out. So we got everything together and decided to make the all important stop at the chiropractor’s office first. Thankfully the chiro, midwife, and Casey all live within 10 minutes of each other. It was around 9am on the way to the chiropractor and my contractions were definitely getting strong and about 5 minutes apart now. I even had to stop in the lobby to breathe through one. I decided I didn’t want to be in the car any longer than possible so we called the midwife and asked her to meet us at Casey’s house. Around 9:30 we arrived at Casey’s house. She offered to make me an egg muffin which I scarfed down between contractions. I worked through contractions and talked in between while sitting on the birth ball. We got into a conversation about everything we had planned that day – we had moved up an ENT appt for Vivian for that day bc we thought the other was too close to the due date. The midwife commented that she had planned to get her nails done and get a massage. She tested my urine and said it was definitely positive for blood and rupture of membranes so there was no reason to get a cervical check. At one point I asked the midwife where her nail appt was and when, because we didn’t know how long this would be going on…I think I was in the mindset that it could take all day to get into "active" labor like Vivian’s birth did. She said it was right around the corner so we told her to go ahead and go. She called to see if she could get the appt moved up sooner and they said, sure you can come 15 minutes early. HA! Anyway we convinced her that it was fine to go, as my contractions had actually spaced out a little (probably all of the commotion and people, maybe). I think she ended up leaving around 11ish? I continued to labor and not long after she left I needed to be standing and leaning over the counter during the contractions. Casey offered to warm up a rice sock which I stuffed into my maternity pants and it felt AMAZING! Aaron started giving counter pressure along with Mary – I don’t know who was doing what but I know it helped, as well as moaning through the contractions. I tried to eat some dates as those were supposed to help with hormones and possibly lessen a chance of hemorrhage as well. Well there are many benefits to them! This is a picture we managed to get between the contractions. See that fake smile on my face? I think I requested this picture because I had wanted a cute pregnancy picture in front of the tree, but hadn't taken one. I went to the bathroom and remember having a contraction in there that took me a while to recover from, things were really getting stronger. When I came out we talked about getting lunch as people were starting to get hungry. Casey was taking my order for sandwiches and I couldn’t for the life of me tell her what I wanted on it….just kept saying, “I don’t know.” Ha – prime sign of transition here, not being able to communicate. This is because our thinking brain shuts down – probably due to the flood of hormones. I found out later that after I turned my back, Aaron told Casey, “I think she’s in transition.” And she agreed. We sent Jordan, Casey’s husband, to go get lunch. At this point I think Casey suggested that we go get in the birth pool which sounded amazing. The feeling of the birth pool was amazing!! And things really started to ramp up in intensity. I'm guessing the time was around noon. I had a couple of contractions that felt like it lasted FOREVER. Seriously, if felt like 2 minutes long and I wondered if it would ever end. At some point the midwife and her assistants came in and I could barely open my eyes to see the commotion that was going on as they got everything set up. I remember Jordan came back down and prayed for me and the birth of this baby and Casey read scripture although at that point I was so focused on the contractions that I have no idea what she read. After a really long contraction, I decided that I really needed to go pee. The midwife encouraged me to just pee in the pool since it’s sterile, but I wasn’t able to relax enough to do that. I decided to quickly get out and go to the bathroom. After going pee I really felt the urge to have a bowel movement. My husband sat in front of me and reminded me that it probably meant the baby was coming. My midwife even reminded me that I did my cleaning out this morning but they couldn’t get me off the toilet. Casey waiting as I was in the bathroom. I had a contraction that felt a little different/grunty but it passed and I stayed there because I was convinced I had to go to the bathroom. The next contraction came and everything changed! My body started pushing and I could feel the baby coming!! The midwife quickly turned on the light and looked at me and asked if it was the baby to which I nodded yes and she demanded that I start blowing through the contraction to get through it. I did everything I could to hold back the contraction and blow, blow blow! I did end up passing some stool – so there! HA! My midwife had me quickly get up as soon as it was over. I told them I can’t bend over to clean myself because it felt like her head was way down there, so my sweet hubby got that job. He just told me recently that when he did, he could see the top of her head… wonder I couldn’t bend over. I got in the tub, sat back, opened my legs up and her head was birthed immediately, it just slid out. Casey quickly jumped in the pool so that she could catch the baby. We waited for the next contraction (I started getting antsy but my midwife reassured me that everything was fine). The next contraction came and she was born!! I don’t even recall pushing – not actively anyway, but maybe I did. Casey caught her and we just looked at each other in amazement. “WE DID IT!” We just kept saying with a shocked look on both of our faces. Jordan came to join us as soon as I was covered and Aaron left the room for Casey to do skin to skin (not pictured). It was important to our men that we retained our modesty. The placenta came with no issues and hardly any bleeding- as Mary continued to feed me dates after the birth. We cut the cord after the placenta was birthed. Our husbands hugged each other - a moment I'll never forget. I was able to nurse Lottie so that she got colostrum after the birth and then continued to pump for her for about 12 weeks. After getting all the baby's measurements, she went to Casey as I recovered. It was a beautiful moment when the kids got to meet her. I thank God for using me in this way to bring life - I can't wait to see the plans that God has in store for her! Casey got to catch the baby! Yeah, we got a little close to each other. Everyone encouraged me to sit back but I didn't feel like moving. HA! Sorry, Casey! Here we are just overjoyed and stunned at what had just happened. Their dream of adopting a child, the process of adopting the embryo, attempting to carry it, and then me carrying it had finally resulted in this beautiful baby!! WE DID IT! GOD DID IT! SHE'S HERE! Welcome Charlotte "Lottie" Rae born 12/7/2018 at 1:39 p.m. 5 lbs 14 oz (And Mary - feeding me dates!) What a crazy ride God took us all on as we trusted and followed Him. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it!
Happy 1st Birthday Lottie!!!! I'm excited to share my surrogacy journey with you all! This is not something I was looking to do - but the opportunity to help a friend and give life was suddenly before me. After talking about it with my husband (it was actually kind of his idea) and praying about it, we decided we felt like it was something that God put in our path. It's not been an easy journey so far, but it is one with rich rewards now and in the life to come. After going through a rigorous screening process, both medical and psychological, we moved forward to start the IVF process which included a med protocol and ultrasounds to test the condition and thickness of my uterus. We implanted one 5 day old embryo, that had been frozen for 8 years. Then we prayed. Stick. Stick. Stick. Sticky baby is the terminology commonly used in IVF circles. Oh, and I gave myself daily suppositories and nightly injections to ensure we had optimal hormone levels to carry a pregnancy - let's not forget that. But ultimately, we trusted God with the outcome. This picture was taken on the day of the procedure. You can see where the embryo was placed. We confirmed the pregnancy through an at home test (or two, or three, or four (who's keeping count?). Offically the pregancy was confirmed through a series of blood work and finally with an ultasound at 7 weeks gestation to confirm heartbeat (see top picture). Pregnancy at my age has not been easy but we're getting through it with lots of prayers and support! I can't wait to continue to update throughout the journey! People have been very curious about this process - and I don't mind answering questions. Feel free to leave a comment or question and if I'm able to answer - I sure will! Mark your calendar for the 2nd Annual Wichita Birth Alliance baby fair! This year's theme is Pick Your Birth Team! You'll have the opportunity to meet various vendors including local doulas and midwives. Sweet Blessings Birth Services will be there as well. Stop by my table for a chance to win $100 off birth services and $50 off belly binding. The range of vendors doesn't stop there - you'll also have the opportunity to get more information on all things pregnancy, birth, and parenthood! The event is FREE and kid friendly! Raffles and concession available with some great prizes to be won.
More information is available at ![]() Sponsored by the Wichita Birth Alliance, this film screening will be held in Wichita on July 23, 2015 at 215 N Washington. Trial of Labor is a documentary about modern childbirth from the mother's perspective. "Trial of Labor follows a small group of pregnant women and their journeys back to trusting themselves and their bodies after previous births ended in unplanned surgery. Each woman has chosen to plan a vaginal birth after Cesarean, and the uncertainty of their imminent births evokes in each a personal reckoning: finding a path through unresolved feelings and difficult decisions to the ultimate, unpredictable event of childbirth." Following the screening there will be a discussion panel including a VBAC mother, midwife, and OBGYN. Tickets are $7 for non members and $5 for members. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Concessions available for purchase. Click here for more information on the film and to view a trailor: Have you had a VBAC? Comment below on what was most helpful in your preparation. ![]() You're invited to a special screening of "Breastmilk," Ricki Lake's newest documentary. A discussion panel will follow with breastfeeding experts: Gwen Whittit, RN, IBCLC President, Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition Coordinator, High 5 for Mom and Baby Barbara Morrison, PhD, RN, CNM Associate Professor, Janice M. Riordan Distinguished Professorship in Maternal Child Health, Wichita State University Marcia Streiff, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CNM, IBCLC Owner, Lactation Consultants of Kansas Thursday, August 7 7:00 p.m. Eugene M Hughes Metropolitan Complex 5015 E 29th St N Wichita, KS 67220 A $10 donation is suggested, please give generously. All proceeds go to Wichita Birth Alliance. Babies and children welcome, we just ask that if your child will require a seat, you make a donation on their behalf. Hosted by Wichita Birth Alliance and Wichita State University School of Nursing Ricki Lake is a former talk show host and has also filmed the popular documentary, "The Business of Being Born." About the film: With unexpected humor, with an unflinching camera, with some guilt and some pain, this film takes the unusual risk of examining what breast milk truly means. We are often told that breast milk is better. Better for babies, better for mothers, better for nutrition, health, well-being, and society. Many accept this and yet there are still very few women who succeed in breastfeeding exclusively for the recommended six months and beyond. What would it take to change? Official website: Facebook event for the Wichita Screening: Mark your calendars! The Wichita Birth Alliance is hosting a Pregnancy and Baby Fair in conjunction with the annual Improving Birth Rally on Sat, September 6 from 10am - noon @ the Sedgwick County extension office. The purpose of the rally and baby fair is to raise awareness and educate Wichita area families of their birth options. There will be booths relating to pregnancy, birth, and families with children. We're planning raffles and giveaways also! Don't miss it!
The mission of the Wichita Birth Alliance is to "inform, educate, and advocate for a woman's right to a safe and satisfying birth." They also advocate for the expansion of birth options in our area. Please join us either as a childbirth professional or a current or expectant parent. We need your help to spread awareness of birth options in Wichita, Kansas. To join the Wichita Birth Alliance, please visit their facebook page and fill out the required registration form. A form is also available for exhibitors or volunteers for the birth rally and baby fair. However, this event is open to the general public. Take a look at the facebook event here! |
Because Birth Matters BlogBethany Fenlason, Wichita DoulaWelcome! I'm a wife, stay at home mom to five children, and a Wichita doula. My passion is to educate and inform mothers and families of their choices and options in pregnancy and childbirth. Through support and education, I hope to help many families achieve a birth that empowers them as mothers and fathers and allows them to trust birth for the incredible and natural, yet-awe inspiring process that it is. Archives
January 2022
Wichita Family Birth Support provides
Wichita birth doula services, Wichita postpartum doula services, Wichita placenta encapsulation and Wichita childbirth education. Also serving south central Kansas locations. |